Friday, November 9, 2012

Research Paper

This has been saved as a draft for quite a while and just didn't post it. sowwy. 

With growing controversy over energy sources and stigmas surrounding words such as “coal” and “oil”, the concept of “clean coal” has seeped into political policy as the solution to our energy problems. Clean coal itself is an oxymoron and, simply put, a figment of the imagination. Clean coal does not exist despite the fact that it has come up in political debates and cited as an option for ending our dependence on foreign oil. For my research paper, I would like to explore the effects of clean coal, the environmental impact and the possibility of the creation of actual “clean coal.”
I realize that this topic will most likely me deeply scientific, however, the environmental implications interest me. I have recently been fretting over the energy crisis and possible alternatives. I have a few books primarily about climate change  which discuss coal which I can use for sources. From some brief investigation, it seems that there is a significant amount of research surrounding the topic of coal and several movements around stopping coal companies and divesting from coal.
I’m a little worried that this topic will be too broad however I am willing to narrow it down to coal’s contribution to carbon emissions and the possibility of creating “clean coal.”

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